
Niamh Duggan Home

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Saved by Niamh Duggan
on October 20, 2011 at 10:17:16 pm

Welcome to Ms. Duggan's Wiki  .....                                                                                                  


 This is the page where all my eager beavers will find notes, hints and lots of things to study!!!! 


6th year's revision for the Mid-term can be found here... Leaving Cert Gaeilge

This is the link to the sraith pictiúir. Please practice them for your Scrúdú Cainte. As usual there will be a chance for you to tell me all about them after the Mid-term!!     sraith pictiúr 1  




This is a good website to find out some words in Irish if you are stuck!!! But remember.... only look up one word at a time otherwise you'll get confused and get the wrong answer!!


You will also ba able to check out your address in Irish at www.logainm.ie








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